Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Για Τα Νισυρακια

Holidays Observed In Nisyros This Month

 On our little island of Nisyros the people celebrate many religious holidays in the manner that most of Greece does. After all the festivities of Christmas are over, the holiday season does not end as it does here in America. In Nisyros the celebration continues through the first week of January.

Monday, January 17, 2011


  Το μοναστήρι της Παναγίας της Σπηλιανής στη Νίσυρο αποτελεί το λατρευτικό κέντρο του νησιού καθώς και ολόκληρης της Δωδεκανήσου. Η ονομασία της μονής οφείλεται στο γεγονός ότι το καθολικό είναι σπηλαιώδης ναός που είχε χρησιμοποιηθεί ως αχυρώνας. Το μοναστηριακό συγκρότημα που στέκει πάνω σε ένα βράχο ύψος περίπου 30 μέτρων από τη θάλασσα, που οι Νισύριοι ονομάζουν «οξό».

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Nisyrian Youth Mission

The Nisyrian Youth Organization was created in an effort to bring together young Nisyrian Americans. Over the past several decades, the mission of the Youth has been to bring together young adults in an effort to help them keep in touch with their Nisyrian roots and surrounding community. The dedication of our past, current and future members have provided the Youth with continued success. More recently, the interest in our organization has dwindled. We are no longer the strong Youth we once were. At this point in time, we have less than twenty full – paid members, the majority of which are members of our board. We have made numerous attempts to contact new and old members via e-mail, Facebook and mailings. With the new year upon us, we have decided to make a fresh start and bring back the youth organization that we remember, the one mirrors the memories of our parents and grandparents. 

Geologists At Nisyros

Over the course of the last decade, our beloved island has caught the attention of the diaspora as it takes strides toward the future. With advancing technologies as an increasing and necessary part of local residents’ lives, Nisyros is no longer the island solely based on simplicity and tradition. Technology has increasingly provided local residents with new means of conducting business and new forms of leisure. Although much attention has been paid to the technological advancements that are an important part of the every day, little has been drawn to the island’s natural attractions.

Social Networking in Nisyros

In the past few years social networking has become a cross – cultural phenomenon. With networking sites such as MySpace, Twitter and Facebook, communicating with friends and family has become easier than it has ever been. More and more young adults living within the United States and Canada have managed to maintain friendships with other children and young adults in Nisyros. Perhaps the prominent site of communication, Facebook statuses let us take a glimpse into the lives of those living on our island when we are thousands of miles away and keep us updated on the happenings that consume our conversations for weeks at a time.